Description: The Great Northern Railway Kalispell Division represents a double track main from Whitefish Montana to Great Falls Montana via Shelby Montana. The railroad passes through Columbia Falls and along the border of Glacier National Park including Belton, Essex, and Summit, before reaching Shelby. There is also a branch line from Columbia Falls to the town of Kalispell. The railroad features name freight and passenger trains, along with local freights. There are 3 yards. A large yard located at Whitefish with engine facilities, a small yard at Kalispell and staging yard at Shelby. The layout operates point-to-point, and utitlizes switch lists. Benchwork and backdrops are completed with some scenery.
The railroad captures the beautiful Rockies with a careful blending of foreground scenery, photo backdrops, and wonderful clouds, highlighted by the rugged 2% climb over the Marias Pass, which requires the addition of helper engines. A feature structure is the scratch built, award winning Whitefish station.
Access: Entry into the house is two steps up, and then down a flight of stairs to the basement. Entry into the layout is walk-in.