Description: The P&MVS is an N-scale layout set along the old NP main of the BN between Fargo and Bismarck, ND. Era is just before the BN and ATSF merger. It is a fictitious regional railroad headquartered in Jamestown, ND. It does local switching along the BN mainline and has a branch line with a connection to CN. The layout is about 30’x23’ with a 4.25 scale mile main line and a 1.5 scale mile branch line and has a 10 track double-ended staging yard, which
is a scale mile long. Train control is with Digitrax DCC Duplex radio.
All towns have their own local, and one other town is switched by BN. P&MVS has an interchange with SOO LINE and CN. Eastbound and westbound BN transfers run morning and afternoon. An AM grain shuttle runs westbound loads, and a PM grain shuttle runs ea
stbound empties. Mainline BN trains include: eastbound loaded coal train, intermodal, manifest freight, westbound intermodal, and manifest freight. Mainline trains are long with two-three engines each. Local trains use two-man crews, the online yard has a yard master and assistant, and mainline trains have one-person crews.
The P&MVS is set in the rolling plains of North Dakota which allows for 40-50 car trains along sweeping curves. Of particular note are the John’s Ceramics industry, an actual 5’ long (or 800’ in N scale), and the large Pembera Flour Mill combining the structures of several kits. The host also has a long and high bridge under construction.
Access: The layout is handicap friendly with ground level access around on the lake side of the house. Entry into the layout is via a 50” duck-under.